Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Question, Questions, Questions.

So - I though I was pretty good at the questioning game, I guess not. Since when is a Sugar Daddy's net worth 250k? I thought a SD was at least close to a millionaire?

I need some advice girls! Help out some new Candy in the Dish!

What are some suggestions as far as new pot etiquette, so to say - when do you gals usually meet - after a week or two? When is allowance discussed, I thought I was prepared for these questions, but I'm losing my marbles!

Traffic on my Profile

So, the traffic is defiantly there on my profile, but scarce letters or winks. I don't think I'm ugly - yet only a few  messages. I'd like to get into an arrangement as soon as I'm comfortable with the right Sugar Daddy, and I'm not into rushing anything. I'm not sure if I should mention that I have a web-cam on my profile, because sometimes you'll get a pervert who wants to throw you $500.00 to masturbate on camera. SORRY NOT MY STYLE! Some of these men have no idea that Sugar Baby's or at least 95% of us are actually classy women who are in school and trying to complete out education, or start a business. Does it ever get any better?

Please send me some encouragement! I'm new and I think I need it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fraud's and Toads.

So, how can one decider the fake men from the real? Well, I am learning it's pretty tough. I've emailed 12 men so far and not once have I had a legitimate bite. My profile is clear and concise on what I am looking for and according to a friend of mine who has been a Sugar Baby for years, is pretty close or if not perfect!

Come on REAL Sugar Daddies, don't hide, take Pride!

Hugs and Air Kisses

New in the Sugar Bowl


   So I'm a new Sugar Baby, dipping my feet into the Sugar Bowl for the first time ever! I'll be posting my experiences as I go. The Bad, the good, the ugly, the triumphant, the not so hot, and the blunt straight truth! Ok, lets hope I'm ready for this!
